Shing Jea Arena W/Mo build!
My W/Mo, Sistser Cute Kitten, is level 10 and has her exotic armor from Voldo the Exotic. But what I really need is a really good build for the Shing Jea Arena so I stop dying so easily against the other characters from Nightfall and assassins. She does have access to the Prophecies campaign as well, so getting a prphecies skill should be no problem unless I have to go to a town/outpost other than Lion's Arch. (I would really much like to get Riposte but I know I won't be able to get to the town that has it) Anyone have any sugesstions?
Towns I currently have...
Lion's Arch
Shing Jea Monastery
Tsumei Village
Ran Musu Gardens
Minister Cho's Estate
Seitung Harbor
Zen Daijun
The Marketplace
Kaineng Center